Mr. Samwel Mwihomeke

Samwel Mwihomeke is the Project Lead, Capacity Strengthening Project at THPS under the support of USAID New Partnerships Initiative Expand (NPI EXPAND) activity implemented by Palladium International LLC.  He is responsible for overseeing implementation of Capacity Development and Strengthening activities including provision of technical support and overall coordination and leadership of the Project management activities.

Prior to joining THPS, Samwel had been a Manager of Strategic and Operations at Deloitte Consulting Limited, Financial Expert at Usafi wa Mazingira Tanzania (UMATA) funded by Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) through UNOPS, USAID Boresha Afya leading the enhancement capacity development of service delivery and management to Regional referral hospitals, Programme Manager Lead at Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT) and Senior Finance and Contract officer at Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT).

Samwel has over 12 years of experience in grants management, accounting, budgeting, proposal development, financial risk assessment and mitigation plan development, facilitation organizational learning and development.

He holds Master of Science (MSc) in Accounting and Finance from Mzumbe University and a Bachelor of Business and Administration (Accounting) from Open University of Tanzania. Samwel is at final stage (Module F) of Certified Public Accountant (CPA-T) under National Board of Accountancy and Auditors (NBAA).

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