CDC/PEPFAR Health Information System (Mifumo) Project
Project Goal: work with the Government of Tanzania (GOT) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to forge political and technical solidarity among GOT and partners to develop a comprehensive HIS strategy and roadmap and achieve key milestones that result in strategic improvements in the existing HIS.
Project Coverage: This is above site project with coverage all over Tanzania mainland.
Project Objectives: To work with GOT and other IP’s to support implementation of sustainable Health Information systems through:
- Use of electronic medical records (Afya care Project,)
- Maintaining and updating health facility registry (HFR),
- Maintain DHIS2 as single source of reporting aggregated data for HIV/AIDS
- Strengthen use of electronic sample referral systems (eSRS) to monitor HVL/EID samples and results
- Use of mobile technologies to improve health outcomes of clients (m-Health)